大冶都鑫摩擦粉体材料厂成立于2002年,是湖北大冶的一家专业科研、生产、销售、服务为一体的摩擦粉体材料供货基地。公司主要服务于全国摩擦制动企业,提供精品、符合客户需求的摩擦原材料和优质的人性化服务。公司以质量求市场,以诚信求客户,以效益求发展,以技术求进步。希望通过我们提供的原料,为制动行业制造出安全、环保、耐用的摩擦制品提供良好的基础。 十年来,大冶都鑫与公司众员工风雨同舟,以客户需求为核心,与国内知名企业合作,产品远销马来西亚、美国、墨西哥等国际企业。目前已为近三百家企业提供原材料。我们相信通过我们都鑫的品质原料,优质服务,以及我们不懈的努力与创新,一定能够与我国摩擦行业实现互惠共赢,并期待与您的携手合作,共创美好未来! Daye Duxin friction powder material factory was founded in 2002, as one of the friction powder material supply base in Hubei Daye, which setting a professional scientific research, production, sales, service in one . The company mainly serves the friction brake enterprise, providing the high quality, met customer’s demand friction raw materials and good humanized service .Our company does with the quality for the market, good faith for the customer, benefit for development, Innovative technology for progress. We hope to provide a good foundation through providing raw materials for brake friction products manufacturing industry safety, environmental protection and durable . In ten years, Duxin and the staff stand together through storm and stress, take the customer demand as the core, has cooperated with the famous enterprises in country,products are exported to Malaysia, the American, Mexico i.e. international enterprises. Currently we have provided raw materials for nearly three hundred companies. We believe that through our Duxin’s quality raw materials, high quality service, and our unremitting efforts and innovation, will be with our friction industry to achieve mutual benefit and win-win, and look forward to working with your co-operation, to create a better future together!
- 所在地区:湖北省黄石市大冶市
- 行业分类:石油和天然气开采业
- 地址:大冶市金山店镇新楼开发区
- 邮编:435100